Detachment Photo
- on January 19th, 2011
- in Billy News •
Jonathan Gutierrez and William Petersen on location – Detachment (August 18th, 2010)

Image Copyright - Jonathan Gutierrez c/o
Jonathan Gutierrez and William Petersen on location – Detachment (August 18th, 2010)
Image Copyright - Jonathan Gutierrez c/o
Oh, Billy… 🙁
Not a flattering picture, but what’s with the bandage on his leg?
He looks the part that’s for sure 🙂 A hell he looks like my US History teacher mr deveroux from 7th and 8th grade! NOOOO!
We are not sure about the bandage.
Oh, that’s just a bad shot! I don’t think he’s in worse shape than he was in the last season of CSI…but his hair are too short…and he definitely looks better with a beard… (ok I think he’s a very fascinating man!)
Ah, that explains a lot about the appearance. Being English my history teachers sported tweed jackets and Hush Puppy Shoes (geeky and thick soled)@Kiara
Yeah its is most deffinately the hair.
I will be interested in how he plays Sherman – who was in his early 40s and not so stocky. Also will he be on horseback? He is going to have to get fitter and slimmer for this role if this picture is a guideline.
Quick question, when and where did Billy learn to ride. Growing up in the Chicago suburbs playing baseball wouldn’t have given him much opportunity. Having read a lot of the articles on your website – he cleary loves playing cowboys – I am curious to know how he became such an excellent horseman.
As per the copy of the script we received the character of Sherman was on horseback in several scenes, whether this changes or not, we do not know at this point. As to where and when he learnt to ride horses, not 100% sure on that one.
It’s a horrible picture but, I agree. I don’t actually think he’s in worse shape than the last time we saw him. His hair is incredibly short (and totally unflattering, IMO) and the lack of beard just makes his face a bit stocky.
The grandpa pants don’t help any, either.
I think he needs to put up pictures of himself and bathe in the gorgeousity that is Billy. And then grow out his hair and get some Grecian formula.
He’s too young to look that old.
Definately not a good photo, but Billy always looks better in his own clothes rather than nerdy ones. I hated most of the clothes he wore on CSI; always to big & baggy. I’m sure this outfit is not of his choosing & must be for the role he’s playing. I do not love the short hair, but it’s grown quite a bit since I saw him in “Endgame”. He pretty much had a crew cut then! Somebody please tell him to grow back his beautiful curly hair! Any word on when “Detachment” will be out?
I would guess Billy learned to ride in Idaho–seems he was out there from about the time he was in 8th or 9th grade living with his brother and uncle. And he’s made enough western-type movies to be on and around horses (Young Guns 2–he looks like he knows how to stay on a horse!)
That said–just go west of Chicago and take a look at the horse pastures there–he could have learned in Chicago!
Quite surprised by all the negative comments regarding the photo.
From what I’ve read, at 14 or 15 (or thereabouts) he ran away from home to go live with middle brother Robert in Boise Idaho. He must have been shipped home in time to go, first, to Loyola in Wilmette and later to Evanston HS, before going back out to Boise for his (delayed?) senior year. Maybe he learned to ride in Boise? I remember, after (I think) Amazing Grace & Chuck, he said he had property in Idaho, way back in the boonies, with horses.
He absolutely looks the part of a high school teacher. I kinda dig the shirt.
Actually, I think he looks like he is in a pretty good shape, much slimmer around the middle. Got some sun there, too. The hairstyle probably just keeps him colder. 🙂
Agreed. Given the fact that the character is a teacher and a Vietnam Veteren, thought he looked spot on.
@Thewpap do you happen to know based on what youve seen from the script the size of his role in thefilm?
Heh, we KNOW he has multiple plaid shirts in his wardrobe. I’m liking the picture, I think he looks great and there’s nothing wrong with what he’s wearing. He’s suppose to be a teacher after all. I just have to add, my hubby is 2 years younger and a Vietnam Vet, that outfit looks like it came right out of his closet!! And I love the shirt… *grin*
Haven’t read the script for ‘Detachment’ only the script for ‘To Appomattox’.
OMG i just cant belive this is you Billy wow but you still look nice lol but i had a crush on you ………………………………………………. i feel bad but still love you………
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 :'(
I liked the photo: Billy relaxed, smirking and his trademark peace sign. Thanks for finding and posting it 🙂 Looking forward to the movie!
I was a bit aghast at first with the piccie. My mate and I agreed he looks a different man to the guy we saw in Blackbird and met afterwards. But then I realised he was in costume as a teacher… I’m a teacher! Sadly yes, some really do dress like that! At least he doesn’t have leather elbow patches on a tweed jacket… Very History teacher geek chic!
However, as a curly person, I agree his hair is too short. Curls, please, Mr P!
@gieret alexander
Re. Detachment, we do have some info, but are just waiting on confirmation before we post anything.
Grow up people! I fell in love with Billy when I met him in Stratford, Ontario – early 80’s. He was cool, mischievious and gorgeous; and although he knew it, he wasn’t conceited about it. He was proud of his appearance though. So where are we now? The man has a genetic heart condition and shouldn’t be carrying this much weight. A man of 55 with any sense at all doesn’t put on that much weight for a film role!! Teachers don’t HAVE to be overweight do they? Has he lost all pride in himself? I was happy for Billy when I heard he had finally married again, but now I wonder. Who is feeding him up? The wife? If so, is she feeding him to keep him, or to kill him? Get real Billy! Lose the weight and start looking after yourself. Good grief, you are only middle aged, but you’re starting to look like an old man already!
Oh yes … and Happy Birthday – don’t eat too much cake please!!
Very surprised as well.
I personally don’t care what he looks like, he’s a great actor whatever his haircut or build.
I’m not talking about haircuts and build, I’m talking about health – Billy Petersen has a GENETIC HEART MURMUR! If he is overweight, and does not look after himself, his chances of heart attack and early death are astronomically increased! How can you not know this? And he smokes as well! He can be the greatest actor on the planet and, but that’s not going to be any use to him if he’s 6ft under!
My comment was not directed at your comments regarding health.
You are entitled to your opinion but please do not insult my intelligence by making assumptions of what I know and what I do not know about WP or his health. I could be good friends with the man for all you know.
Sorry @thewpap I’m not trying to cause trouble.
No need for apologies.
Then we probably know each other already! And friendship isn’t about telling people what they want to hear … its about being realistic, supportive and caring. Yes, he is great actor whatever his haircut or build, but I would much prefer that we can continue to say “is” for a long time to come. I’m afraid that we may be saying “was” much too soon. And if you really are a friend you will already know the current situation and be as concerned as I. It’s got little to do with intelligence and more to do with common sense.
Interesting comments about the picture. Does he look old? Yes, but white hair does make you look older. I like the way he chooses to keep his natural hair and not color it. I am sure he would for a role, but I think he is comfortable with his looks and doesn’t care what we think. His attitude may be “This is me, take it or leave it.” I read a comment on another site saying he looks like a grandfather, well he is.