Archives – 2004
(some links may not work)
December 11, 2004 – Added 4 more images to The Alliance for Children’t Rights, as well as a few screencaps from the CBS Cares HIV promo Billy did. You can view it at CBS in under their “What’s New on CBS” section by clicking onto the MEET SANTA’S NEW CBS ELVES video, and then the Movies and Specials box, featuring CBS CARES promos. (scroll down) Marg Helgenberger is featured in one as well. There is also a quick video of Billy wishing everyone a happy holiday before the preview of the upcoming CSI double episode this Thursday ( both repeats). Correction – in the last update I had incorrectly called the last episode No Humans Allowed. The correct title of course is No Humans Involved. Apologies.
December 10, 2004 – Added a few No Humans Involved dailies screencaps. Billy and Gina attended The Alliance for Children’s Rights Annual Dinner at the Beverly Hilton Hotel last night. Photos here – copyright to wireimage. More pictures can be seen at Getty Images.
December 5, 2004 – Added the Mea Culpa screencaps and some pictures from Jackpot to the season 4 gallery.
From the upcoming episode of CSI – No Humans Involved
From CSI episode 11.5 – Who Shot Sherlock?
November 27, 2004 – Added Mea Culpa Dailies caps and a these CBS holiday promo claymation caps – Santas new elves. Visit CBS to see the clip. I have received many emails complaining that the Formalities video clip can’t be viewed. Because we had exceeded our broadband transfer amount for November, our web host ended up charging over $200.00 to keep the site going. This had never been an issue before, because I have a huge amount of broadband available each month. Because I believed that part of the problem was hotlinking to videos, I asked our web host to set it up so that would not be possible anymore. Unfortunately, it appears that whatever they did, now many people can’t view the video at all. (I have seen it on three different Macs, and it works fine….so I think it might be specific to PCs.) Anyway, I am aware there is a problem and hopefully early next week we’ll rectify it. So be patient I took the rest of the videos down a couple of weeks ago. I will add them back as soon as this problem is resolved….so please refrain from emailing telling me you can’t see them. I know that. They aren’t online right now. Thanks to all who have emailed with offers of help, hosting space and suggestions. I do appreciate all of your imput – I just don’t have time to answer everyone. We are thinking about setting up a paypal account in case anyone wants to donate a little money here and there. I never wanted to have to do that, but we’ll see. Thanks for visiting and all of the positive feedback everyone leaves It means alot. Happy Holidays to all in the meantime! Hugs to all from the WPAP.
November 23, 2004 – I have added Ch Ch Changes screencaps (thanks pp) and Ch Ch Changes Dailies screencaps. I have also added a Formalities Dailies video clip. Please do not hot link – thank you.
November 20, 2004 – Added Formalities Dailies screencaps. I’ll add a video clip over the weekend. Also, from the Chicago Sun-Times:
STAGE WHISPER: Chicago Shakespeare Theater’s artistic director Barbara Gaines has been having discussions with William L. Petersen about starring in a production of “Macbeth.” Stay tuned.
November 19, 2004 – The Hollywood Reporter Issued a special CSI 100th Episode Edition on Nov. 18. Everyone who works on the show received iPods yesterday (18th). Screencaps for Formalities and new ones for The Staircase have been posted. More tomorrow.
November 15, 2004 – At this risk of crashing the server, I’ve decided to post this little article from In Touch Weekly because WE (The William Petersen Appreciation Page) got a mention! Will all due respect to In Touch, those of us who founded this page have always thought he was hot – not just lately.
Also, CSI held their 100th episode party Sat. the 13th at the Santa Monica Airport in Hangar 8. The Hangar was redone as a casino – complete with Blackjack and Poker tables. A black drawstring bag of casino chips was given to each guest to use for their gaming pleasure. A great time was had by all. There are pictures of the cast at wireimage. You won’t find any of Billy because he was sick as dog with the flu and was unable to attend. Danny Cannon was also sidelined by the flu and was unable to join in as well. Speaking of Danny Cannon, he has left the series to persue his own movie project. He is largely responsible for creating the “look” of the show, as well as directing and writing many episodes.
I’ll post screencaps and such from the past couple of episodes on Wednesday.
November 7, 2004 – I Have temporarily deleted all video clips from the site. An astounding amount of broadband space has been used this past month and the site is in danger of going down. I’m not sure why this has occurred, but if anyone out there is hotlinking to pictures or video on this site, please STOP! Otherwise I will have to stop sharing and make this a members only site. Sorry for the inconvenience this has caused.
November 5, 2004 – Update includes screencaps from Swap Meet (thanks PP :), some screencaps from the dailies of What’s Eating Gilbert Grissom, and the Time Magzine article featuring the CSI Franchise. Also, the cast and crew and all involved with CSI will be celebrating the 100th episode in Santa Monica on November 13th. The Hollywood Reporter is dedicating a special issue to the 100th episode in it’s November 18th issue. Here is a a trade ad.
Here are some preview pics from next week’s CSI episode, Formalities:
Apologies for the lack of updates lately. I just haven’t had time. We will be adding some dailies clips over the weekend, as well as some other stuff.
October 25, 2004 – Update includes screencaps from This Old Cub and Crow’s Feet (Thanks to our own Puppypower:), as well as screencaps and 2 Video clips from Crow’s Feet dailies. Buy This Old Cub.
October 17, 2004 – Update includes screencaps and video clip from Entertainment Tonight, Hollywood Secrets (October 16, 2004), screencaps from Harvest, the Season 4 CSI DVD extra featurette, new caps for Last Laugh and finally, another comic book cover, courtesy of CSI Agent Note about the ET Video clip – It is a large file (30 MB), as it includes interviews and footage of Billy, Marg, Jorja, George, Gary and Robert David Hall. Much of the footage is from older interviews and features.
October 12, 2004 – We have added screencaps from Down The Drain and newer ones for One Hit Wonder. Additions include new comic book covers and a small article from OK Magazine in the UK about the Jorja/George fiasco.
September 25, 2004 – I would like to announce the wonderful Puppypower as a new co-owner of the William Petersen Appreciation Page! For many reasons, I haven’t been able to keep up with the site as often as needed, not to mention the challenge of keeping up with everything. Puppypower has also helped me with my other fansite, christopher plummer online. Anyway, great thanks for your help PP and welcome aboard!! Thanks to all who send tidbits and information. I do appreciate it.
I have added screencaps from Viva Las Vegas, as well as a new (old) photo to the Gallery
NOTE: To those of you in the minority who post pictures from this site and crop out the watermark – STOP! It’s NOT cool. I know who you are and I don’t want to have to call you out. I don’t think people realize the time, money and effort it takes to do this. We want everyone to enjoy and share the pictures, but I also ask that you acknowledge where it came from- that is why there is a watermark there. Otherwise, but your own stuff, then you can take credit for it:-) I am sorry to be so harsh, but it’s simple etiquette.
September 24, 2004 – CSI is featured in the October 1 issue of Entertainment Weekly. Read the article. Billy and Gina attended the 3rd Annual Feast of San Gennaro LA Gala “Prima Notte” at The Grove in LA last night (Sept. 23) There will be more updates to the site later this evening.
September 20, 2004 – Wireimage has a few pictures of Billy presenting at the Emmys. Here is a link to some really nice candids of Billy and Gina in Santa Monica this spring. Credit goes to GrissomsLuvSlave who found and posted them on the fan message board Your Tax Dollars at Work – Under The Bridge.
According to Roger Friedman of Fox news, Billy still isn’t happy with CBS:
“Meanwhile, Petersen continues to be an outspoken critic of series TV and CBS. He said the actors who left “CSI” this summer in a pay dispute are back, but still have no new contracts and that nothing’s been resolved. He also told me that his own departure might have occurred had the actors not been returned to the show.
Petersen — a favorite of mine since his great movie “To Live and Die in L.A.” — is a straight shooter. He tells it like it is, even when whatever that might be gives CBS honcho Les Moonves agita. And Moonves, he says, pursued him “for years” to do a series.
“They’re not doing any promotion now for our show,” he said of CBS. “You’re just seeing ads for ‘CSI: Miami.’ And they’re killing off a character over a pay dispute.”
Petersen is in the fifth year of a seven-year contract with CBS, by the way, but there’s no way of knowing if he’ll sign an extension when the deadline comes — at least not from our conversation last night. And this criticism came despite the fact that he and his partner are executive producers of the show.”
September 19, 2004 – Billy and Dennis Franz presented the Best Supporting Actress in a Mini-Series Emmy at the 56th Emmy Awards tonight. See a few screencaps and a video clip
September 17, 2004 – Billy to be a dad again? The latest issue of In Touch Magazinereports Billy’s wife, Gina is in her first trimester. Billy’s reps deny it. (Thanks puppypower:)
September 16, 2004 – Billy was featured in the Q and A Section of the September 13 issue ofSports Illustrated. More of the interview can be read online at CNN/SI. Sorry for the lack of updates – there are many reasons for it, but if you don’t already know, you can find the latest about Billy and CSI by searching the latest news at Google. I have posted a link for Billy news at the top of the page. The premiere episode of CSI Season 5 begins Thursday, September 23rd. Billy and Marg are on the cover of the latest edition of TV Guide – Returning Favorites. There is also a Season 5 promo picture inside – featured on the WPAP homepage
I have added a few images from upcoming episodes – if you would like to see images from Episode 1, Viva Las Vegas, visit CBS’ website and download the videoclip.
Click to see larger images.
Episode 5.03 – HarvestEpisode 5.03 – Harvest 2Episode 5.04 -Crow’s FeetEpisode 5.04 – Crow’s Feet 2Episode 5.05 – Swap MeetEpisode 5.05 – Swap Meet 2August 19, 2004 – Posted screencaps from the E! interview on July 27th at the Torch of Libery Awards and from the DVD The Mystery of King Arthur, courtesy of the wonderful Puppypower Click here to see the video clip. You can buy the King Arthur DVD from the British History Club. Thanks to Marion, we have screencaps and a video clip from Billy’s brief interview on Living TV in the UK last month (July, 2004) – but probably taped last summer. Thanks Marion and Puppypower!
I have also added a couple of new pictures to Billy’s Senate testimony transcript from 2002.
August 16, 2004 – I will add more updates in the next couple of days, (Thanks to all who have sent info and goodies – I just haven’t had time to update lately), but this quickie is to let everyone know that CSI will be filming in Las Vegas the next three days. The crew left Saturday and according to Carol Cling of the Las Vegas Review Journal:
In our “better late than never” department, “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” solves another Las Vegas mystery — its own disappearance — as the top-rated CBS drama checks into town today for a three-day shoot.
Loyal Shooting Stars readers may recall that “CSI” was originally scheduled to visit Las Vegas last month as production got underway on the show’s fifth season.
That is, until CBS fired “CSI” co-stars George Eads and Jorja Fox — firings that have been rescinded, setting the stage for the show’s rescheduled Vegas trek.
Today’s shoot was originally expected to take place in a dry lake bed, but with monsoon-season thunderstorms lingering in the forecast, the cast and crew may head downtown if the desert lake bed is no longer dry.
Tuesday’s schedule includes downtown’s Chapel of Love, Little White Chapel and the Tod Motor Motel. Rounding out “CSI’s” itinerary: expected stops at Fremont Street Experience and Fremont Street between Las Vegas Boulevard and Sixth Street.
And six Las Vegas-based actors originally considered for roles during “CSI’s” scheduled July visit were hired as day players for the rescheduled shoot, according to local casting director Ray Favero.
July 27, 2004 – Thanks to Amanda, I have added a couple of pictures from the Torch of Liberty Awards Dinner sponsored by the ACLU held at the Beverly Regent Hotel in Beverly Hills last night (July 26th, 2004) The event honors individuals who have made significant contributions to the advancement of civil liberties.
This year’s event will honor actor/activists Marg Helgenberger and Alan Rosenberg and Co-Chairman of Loeb & Loeb LLP, John T. Frankenheimer.
July 26, 2004 – Thanks to Jazzfan we have a video clip of Billy at the Michael Douglas and Friend Golf Tournament. Thanks Jazz! The big news of course is that Jorja and George are back on the show. There are many articles about the story on other websites and at Yahoo and Google news. Important news regarding Billy is that he has been absent from the set due to health problems, reportedly relating to his heart. From the LA Times:
Tension on scene of ‘CSI’
Health and salary issues are creating uncertainty as the flagship show enters its fifth season.
By Scott Collins, Times Staff Writer
The set of CBS’ whodunit “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” has become a perilous, suspenseful place lately — and the cameras haven’t even been rolling.
TV’s most-watched drama is scheduled to resume production for its fifth season Wednesday, following a 10-day shutdown that has been publicly attributed to a complicated string of salary-related clashes involving CBS management and cast members George Eads and Jorja Fox, who were swiftly fired and just as quickly rehired in recent days. What’s received less attention is the absence of William L. Petersen, who stars as “CSI” investigator Gil Grissom.
Shortly before shooting started earlier this month, Petersen notified the network that he would temporarily miss work due to a recently discovered medical condition. Three sources familiar with the situation say that Petersen was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat. A Petersen representative confirmed that the actor has “some health-related matters” but declined to offer specifics. A CBS spokesman declined to comment on Petersen’s health.
While nobody’s predicting an untimely end for the highly lucrative CBS franchise, the health and salary matters are rocking the boat just as the flagship show enters a new season, and the network, which has launched one spinoff, is preparing another to debut this fall.
CBS says the “CSI” actors and crew are to receive instructions today about returning to work later this week. “Billy and the rest of the cast are expected back on the set this Wednesday,” network spokesman Chris Ender said Sunday. “Everyone is excited to resume production and get started on the fifth season.”
This fall’s “CSI: New York” will star Gary Sinise. “CSI: Miami,” which premiered two seasons ago, is a hit on Mondays. But growth has slowed for the original “CSI,” with ratings flat at 23 million total viewers for the season to date compared to last year, according to figures from Nielsen Media Research. Still, the series is the linchpin of CBS’ Thursday night, which Viacom’s co-president and co-chief operating officer, Leslie Moonves, has said earns more money than any other network lineup on any night.
With half the series’ six principal actors out of service — in addition to Petersen, Eads and Fox, the others are Marg Helgenberger, Gary Dourdan and Eric Szmanda — shooting stopped after July 16 and has not resumed. Although Helgenberger is also in salary talks, sources said, she worked as scheduled before the shutdown and is expected to return when called.
Actors’ negotiating tactics are a sensitive subject for networks and studios, especially because so many hit shows depend heavily on the chemistry of the cast. Brad Garrett, who plays Ray Romano’s brother on the hit sitcom “Everybody Loves Raymond,” won a pay hike last year after missing a few days of work. Jane Kaczmarek, the mother on Fox’s “Malcolm in the Middle,” reportedly skipped work due to migraine headaches during a 2002 salary dispute.
Eads and Fox were fired earlier this month after their representatives tangled with the network over the stars’ salary demands. The network said it axed Fox after failing to receive timely assurances that she would report for work as planned. Eads was dismissed after not showing up for work the morning of July 15, the first day of production. The actor later told reporters he overslept.
Moonves, who oversees CBS, told reporters last week that lawyers for Eads and Fox had made “certain veiled threats about their not showing up.” “A deal is a deal,” Moonves said, adding that the network started looking to recast the roles and the writers began revising scripts.
“Les was really looking to make an example of somebody,” one agent involved in the situation, speaking on condition of anonymity, said of Moonves. “Les felt he’s been taken advantage of in some of these renegotiation situations.” After extensive coverage of the firings in the entertainment media, the network felt its point had been made. Late last week, after a public apology from Eads, the network rehired both actors at an estimated salary of $95,000 each per episode, the figure each was making before the firings.
Petersen, who earns an estimated $350,000 per episode on “CSI,” including a producer’s fee, has also been seeking a raise from the network. The actor received a substantial pay hike two years ago, after “CSI” became a major hit.
But by all accounts, Petersen is not staging a “sickout” in an effort to win new salary concessions. In fact, a doctor hired by the network is said to have discovered the heart problem, although a CBS spokesman would not confirm this.
Jennifer Allen, Petersen’s publicist, confirmed that there have been “some health-related matters that have kept Billy at home.” She declined to elaborate, but said that Petersen, 51, had not been hospitalized.
While Hollywood insiders will happily discuss money and contract terms off the record, health matters are often off-limits. That’s especially true for actors, who typically have a vested interest in projecting an image of health and vitality.
Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991 but did not disclose the condition for seven years, as he continued starring in the hit ABC sitcom “Spin City.”
Several people in a position to know specifics of Petersen’s health, including Jonathan Littman, president of Jerry Bruckheimer Television, which produces “CSI,” the show’s executive producer Carol Mendelson and Petersen’s agent, Marty Lesak of UTA, did not return calls.
July 19, 2004 – Updates include 2 pictures added to the 2003 Emmy Gallery (Thanks to puppypower:), 1 picture added to the GQ Awards Gallery, and Billy’s 2004 Emmy consideration ad to the CSI Trade Ad Gallery. I will have video clips and screencaps posted for the Michael Douglas and Friends Golf Tournament in a few days. In the meantime, visit The William Petersen Attic for screencaps.
The Sun TV magazine in the UK reports: (thanks puppypower:)
“It’s been confirmed that US drama CSI:Crime Scene Investigation, starring William L petersen as Gil Grissom, Will be filming in London in September. Forensic wizard Gil and at least one member of his team will leave Las Vegas for the UK. The episode will be screened on Five in January 2005.”
Our sources confirm this, although we have heard filming will take place in November. Due to circumstances regarding Jorja Fox and George Eads, that could change. Production on CSI is halted this week as writers retool existing scripts. The trip to Las Vegas this week has been canceled, and the storyline for the opener “Viva Las Vegas” will probably be used later in the season. Read more from the Las Vegas Review Journal.
E! Online has comments from CBS head Les Moonves, as well as another comment from Billy on the firings. Billy issued this statement today:
On Monday, CSI’s head science geek and one of the show’s producers William Petersen released a statement saying, “I am very saddened and deeply disappointed that this is the turn of events on the number one drama on television and one of the most popular shows around the world.
“I am hopeful that cooler heads will prevail and everything will be rectified and restored in due course,” concluded Petersen, who reportedly earns upward of $225,000 per episode
July 17, 2004 – Billy’s first public statement about the Jorja and George being fired: (From the Mercury News)
“CSI” star, producer responds to firing of actors
Associated Press
LOS ANGELES – William Petersen, star and executive producer of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” issued a statement Friday concerning reports that co-stars Jorja Fox and George Eads were fired.
Fox and Eads, who play investigators Sara Sidle and Nick Stokes, were fired after asking for more money to stay on the show, according to reports from KCBS-TV and Variety.
Petersen said he is “very saddened and deeply disappointed that this is the turn of events,” and that he hopes “cooler heads will prevail and everything will be rectified and restored in due course.”
A call left for Petersen’s publicist was not immediately returned Friday.
Eads didn’t show up for work Thursday, the first day of production for the next season, according to the news station and Variety.
The actors were in the fifth of their seven-year contracts.
Danica Smith, publicist for both Fox and Eads, told The Associated Press that Fox was fired Wednesday but did not have details. Smith could not confirm whether Eads was fired.
A CBS spokesman said the network had no comment.
Though a search was underway for their replacements, it’s unclear whether show creators will recast the characters or develop new ones, KCBS-TV and Variety reports said.
July 16, 2004 – The big news from the set of CSI is that Jorja Fox and George Eads were fired yesterday in a salary dispute: (Visit this Google page to read all of the posted news regarding this story.) If you are upset or distressed about this and would like TPTB know, Elyse has set up a page on her site that lists addresses and phone numbers for CBS executives. Visit it here. She also gives some good advice on what kind of letter to write. I would also urge fans of Billy’s NOT to write to him regarding this situation. Even though he is a co-executive producer, he has no control over this. Please note that CBS has made no official announcement as of yet, nor has Billy made a public statement.
LOS ANGELES ( — In one of the industry’s most surprising moves in recent memory, actors George Eads and Jorja Fox have been fired from CBS’ top-rated drama “C.S.I.: Crime Scene Investigation” over breach of contract.
The duo was sacked after neither appeared for work yesterday, the first day of production on the show’s fifth season. Both Eads and Fox had reportedly been looking for a pay raise from their current estimated salaries of $100,000 per episode. Many actors over the years have attempted to secure a pay raise by not showing up for work, as was the case for “Everybody Loves Raymond’s” Brad Garrett last season.
No doubt expecting a similar situation, CBS had requested a letter from all of the show’s actors confirming their intent to return to work. Both Fox and Eads were then terminated on Wednesday and Thursday respectively after the Eye didn’t receive their letters. Both nevertheless insist theirs letters were sent and are mystified over their terminations. Co-stars Marg Helgenberger and William Petersen also failed to appear for work yesterday but each is said to be missing for legitimate health reasons.
Co-stars Paul Guilfoyle and Gary Dourdan, both of whom are in the same pay range as Eads and Fox, were also said to be looking for raises however each is understood to have accepted modest pay bumps in exchange for more air time this season. Peterson and Helgenberger, who make significantly more than their co-stars, have apparently not made any rumblings about raises, making their absences likely nothing but coincidental. Helgenberger is believed to make $200,000 per episode while Peterson, who also has executive producing duties on the series, pulls down $500,000 per episode.
Each of the show’s principal cast members is in the fifth year of the industry standard seven-year contract.
Casting is currently underway for actors to play new characters that will replace Fox and Eads’ roles on the show.
No statements have been released from either camp however the news will undoubtedly be a key issue during today’s CBS session of the TCA’s summer press tour.
July 15, 2004 – Just a few quick news updates. CSI was nominated for an Emmy award as “Outstanding Drama” this morning. No actors from the show received nods.
A reminder that the Michael Douglas and Friends golf tournament Billy participated in last May will be shown on July 18th after the British Open on ABC. A charity auction to benefit the Motion Picture and Television Fund is also being held by Mr. Douglas. You can bid on a director’s chair signed by Billy for the auction on ebay.
You can find some excellent high resolution CSI season 4 publicity pictures here.
Also, CSI will be filming on location in Las Vegas next week starting Monday, the 19th.
July 6, 2004 – Added newer screencaps from “Forever.” Thanks to Puppypower, we have much better screencaps for “Passed Away.” Thanks so much PP!! Also, we have three new Trade Ads.
June 21, 2004 – Thanks to always generous Jazzfan, we have video clips of Billy’s day at the Cubs game last Friday! Many thanks Jazz!!.
Speaking of the Cubs, Billy is mentioned in a Chicago Tribune article titled ” Does Baseball Still Matter?”:
– William L. Petersen, noted Chicago stage actor, devoted Cubs fan and star of the CBS-TV series “CSI,” has spent the last two months in town. In May, walking his dog in Wilmette, he came upon a Little League game and sat down to watch a few innings. “I marveled at their uniforms,” he says. “They all had these pro-like uniforms, with fancy logos. When I was a kid we were lucky to get a hat.”
Petersen is 51, part of the last generation that would habitually grab a bat, a ball and a few friends and take off for a playground or park for a day of baseball.
– Billy was named the runner-up as sports fan of the year in 2003 by the Sports Fans of America Association. (Jim Belushi won) It doesn’t appear they have voting available for 2004 yet.
– CSI begins filming season 5 the week of July 12th. Those of you who would like to know when they will be in Vegas, look for them towards the end of July/first of August. Carol Cling of The Las Vegas Review Journal is quite good about giving the heads up on dates and shooting locations. Check her column, Shooting Stars, on Mondays. I will post definite information as I can.
– From a recent interview with Billy from the Kane County Chronicle
Petersen intends to stick with “CSI” for the full run. He likes the cast and the writing. And he likes the perks, like golf tournaments, that celebrity brings.
“I will do this and do it until I don’t have to do it anymore. Then I’ll move on to other things,” Petersen said.
At the top of that list is the stage. He still has ties to Chicago’s Remains Theatre Ensemble, a cutting-edge company which he and several others formed in 1979 (then known as Ix). Petersen earned the7ater accolades for his performances in “In the Belly of the Beast,” “Tooth of Crime” and “Night of the Iguana.”
Petersen said each acting genre has its pluses. He enjoys the freedom of stage acting, the cast continuity that television provides and the challenges provided by movie scripts. His film credits include “Manhunter,” “Young Guns II,” “Kiss the Sky,” “Skulls” and “The Contender.”
His television production company, “High Horse Films,” formed in 1986, which has a couple projects in the works. His perspective remains intact.
“Sometimes the people around you change or the perception of you changes,” Petersen said. “But I haven’t changed. By in large we are all products of where we are from.”
– Are you obsessed with CSI? VH1 wants to hear from you for their new series called “Totally Obsessed.” (Thanks Jody:)
VH1 is producing a new documentary-style series featuring people with various passions, interests, hobbies, collections, etc…
Are you obsessed with C.S.I.???
How has your obsession manifested itself???
How has it affected you financially???
What is the most drastic thing you’ve done to pursue your obsession with C.S.I.???
How has C.S.I. affected your daily life???
If you can answer ANY of these questions, you might have an obsession…and VH1 wants to hear your story!
Please email your story to:
More from
According to USA Today, the series premiers August 23rd. “Follow the strange and freaky lives of obsessed individuals.”
June 19, 2004 – Billy threw out the first pitch and sang during the 7th inning stretch at the Cubs games June 18th. The Cubs lost to Oakland 2-1. We’ll have some caps and the video clip soon. In the meantime, enjoy a couple of pictures courtesy of Getty Images.
June 8 2004 – Added Dailies screencaps from “Turn of the Screws,” the 2004 CSI Emmy submission DVD cover and a few pictures from the 2nd set of CSI Trading Cards (episodes submitted for Emmy consideration are “After The Show” and “Butterflied.”), the UK 2nd season DVD interview screencaps – thanks to Puppypower!; and courtesy of Marion I have added an article about CSI from the UK magazine – SHERLOCK.
June 3, 2004 – Visit the League of Chicago Theater’s Showtime 2004 site to read more about their 25th Anniversary Gala and to see a couple of pictures of Billy.
May 26, 2004 – Billy gave a moving tribute to his friend and mentor Dennis Zacek – the Artistic Director of the Victory Gardens Theatre – Monday night at the Chicago League of Theatres Annual Gala. From the Chicago Tribune:
But the emotional high point of the evening was a tender tribute to Zacek by his most prominent protege, “CSI” star William Petersen. Following a parade of Victory Gardens playwrights attesting to Zacek’s seemingly native understanding of diverse subject matter — tongues firmly in cheek, they claimed him in turn as a Jew, as a WASP, as a black man, as a woman, as a black woman, as a lesbian — a dead-serious Petersen claimed Zacek as a teacher, mentor, father and friend.
When he first saw the director in the mid-1970s, Petersen said, Zacek was cradling a pair of books in his arms: “Like those two books, I’ve been cradled in Dennis Zacek’s arms.”
Delivering an expert impression of what he called Zacek’s “subversive” heh-heh-heh laugh (“He was the first Beavis and Butt-Head,” Petersen said), the actor lauded the director for having devoted nearly his entire career to developing new plays, “the harshest, most unrewarding and most important work in the American theater.”
For Zacek to have started out with those ideals was amazing, Petersen said, “but it’s even more amazing to have those same ideals 30 years later.”
Calling Zacek “the most important man in the American theater,” Petersen accompanied the award with a hug that morphed into a kiss. The audience of about 600 people felt the love, then multiplied it with a standing ovation.
Afterward, the honoree smilingly called it “a coronation.” And so it was.
May 24, 2004 – From the Chicago Sun-Times:
Fans of actor William Petersen will be seeing a lot of the Chicago native and his beautiful wife, Gina, this summer. As he accepted the special legend award Friday from the Illinois Arts Alliance (with LaSalle Bank’s CEO Norm Bobins), the “CSI” star revealed he plans to spend the next six weeks in town. The couple has also just bought a new condo here and “will be hanging out with our families, going to Cubs games and just enjoying Chicago,” said Petersen, who was particularly touched to be joined “by my first director,” Dennis Zacek of Victory Gardens Theatre, and noted Chicago actress Amy Madigan (with whom Petersen has worked so often).
Many of you have emailed asking for video clips of the dailies to be posted. I will post some as we move into summer and as I have time. In the meantime, enjoy the clip of the 2004 CSI Wrap Reel. I have only posted the part of the reel that features the actors. The rest of it features the crew of CSI. They show a reel featuring some bloopers and the crew at work (among other things) every year at the wrap party.
May 23, 2004 – Bloodline dailies screencaps added.
May 21, 2004 – Screencaps and video clip of Billy on The Early Show.
May 19, 2004 – I know I’ve been tardy with updates, but real life has been real busy.
Billy will be on the Early Show on CBS on Friday, May 21st.
Billy was one of many Chicago actors to appear on the stage at the Steppenwolf Theatre in Chicago Monday night to praise the art of ensemble acting: William Petersen remembered starting the late Remains Theatre in an old storefront laundry, and how “people used to arrive with laundry tickets.” Read more.
Speaking of Chicago Theater, Billy will receive the Illinois Arts Legend Award for an Artistthis Friday, May 21st durng the Sixth Annual Illinois Arts Legends Awards:
William Petersen is often best recognized as the star and producer of “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” CBS’s critically acclaimed television show. A native of Evanston, Mr. Petersen began his career in Chicago as one of the co-founders of Remains Theatre Ensemble where he starred in “Tooth of Crime,” “Moby Dick,” and “American Buffalo,” among many others. He regularly won critical acclaim for his work with Steppenwolf Theater, Organic Theater, Remains, and Ontario’s Stratford Festival where he starred in “Street Car Named Desire.” Mr. Petersen won a Joseph Jefferson Award for his work in “The Belly of the Beast” at Wisdom Bridge and also performed with The Goodman Theatre in many productions including “The Time of Your Life,” the world premiere of “Glengarry Glen Ross,” and “The Night of the Iguana,” which later transferred to the Roundabout Theater in New York, where he made his Broadway debut. In addition to his work on “CSI,” Mr. Petersen has starred in several television mini-series including “The Kennedys of Massachusetts,” “Return to Lonesome Dove,” and “The Beast,” and his versatile and acclaimed work can be seen in films such as “To Live and Die in L.A.,” “Manhunter,” “Cousins,” and “The Contender.”
Also, Billy will return to Chicago to present an award to his friend and early mentor, Dennis Zacek, at the annual gala for the League of Chicago Theatres, May 24 at the Chicago Shakespeare Theatre. Zacek, who is artistic director of Victory Gardens Theater, will receive the League’s 2004 Artistic Leadership Award.
The gala also will honor Lois Weisberg, commissioner of the Department of Cultural Affairs, and the original Organic Theater Company ensemble. Organic founder (and now film director and writer) Stuart Gordon will be in town for the gala. It’s hoped that at least a few of the early ensemble members also will be back, among them Joe Mantegna, Dennis Franz, Meshach Taylor and Andre De Shields (who currently is on Broadway in a new play, “Prymate”). Former guv James Thompson and wife Jayne are co-chairs of the event. Read more
More about Billy’s comments that he was leaving CSI after season 5 from Parade Magazine this past weekend:
May 14, 2004 – Screencaps from “No More Bets” are posted. Billy will be hosting a golf tournament at Chalet Hills Golf Club on June 8th, sponsored by Chicago sports radio station WSCR. Read more here.
From the Chicago Sun-Times: THE ILLINOIS Arts Alliance Foundation’s dinner is May 21 at the Museum of Contemporary Art Warehouse, with the Chicago Sun-Times’ Bill Zwecker emceeing. The Illinois Arts Legends awards will go to Norman Bobins, president and CEO of LaSalle Bank Corp., and actor William Petersen of CBS’ hit series “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation.” Joe Ahern, head of WBBM-Channel 2, is one of the co-chairs. Stella’s Column
May 7, 2004 – Screencaps from “Turn of the Screws” are posted. Don’t forget to get your copy of Michael Connolly’s “The Narrows.” If you purchase it in it’s early days of release most will recieve the free companion DVD of “Blue Neon Night” featuring excerpts read by Billy. Read more info here.
May 3, 2004 – Pictures from Billy golfing at the Michael Douglas and Friends Golf Tournament in Las Vegas this past weekend. We’ve also added screencaps and video clips from Billy’s interview with Bob Costas. A great big hug to Jazzfan for sending the videotape!
May 1, 2004 – Added screencaps from “Dead Ringer.” Screencaps and a videoclip of the Bob Costas interview will be up in the near future. The wardrobe department on CSI sold and or gave away Grissom’s wardrobe to friends and crew members – including his jackets.
April 25, 2004 – Screencaps from “Bad Words” are now up. Look for Billy to appear as a guest on the HBO show “On The Record With Bob Costas” intially set to air on April 30th at 11:00 PM ET. Check listings for additional airings, as it will repeat several times.
April 19, 2004 – We have a videoclip and a few screencaps of Billy’s public service announcement for the American Society of Clinical Pathology promoting National Laboratory Week. Look for Billy to be interviewed May 26th for TV Land’s television Moguls series. That night features Moguls of the 90’s, including Jerry Bruckheimer. Read more at Yahoo News.The cast and crew of CSI held their season 4 wrap party Saturday night (April 17th) at Pinotin Hollywood – same place they held their Christmas party. Screencaps from Bad Words will be up sometime this week.
April 12, 2004 – New screencaps from “Play With Fire.” Author Michael Connolly, whose novels usually revolve around life in Los Angeles, has released a limited edition DVD called “Blue Neon Night.” Billy reads excerpts from 14 of Mr. Connolly’s books on the DVD. This limited release DVD is free while supplies last with the purchase of Michael Connolly’s latest book, The Narrows from a participating bookseller. The Narrows will be in stores on May 3, 2004. Visit Michael Connolly’s official site for more information and to view a two minute clip of the film, with Billy reading of course.
April 11, 2004 – We have screencaps from the “Bad to the Bone” dailies, as well as new screencaps from “Inside the Box.”
April 7, 2004 – We have more candid photos from Billy and Gina’s day in the park as reported by In Touch Magazine. Look for Billy to play in the Michael Douglas and Friends golf tournament in Las Vegas on May 1-2. If you have an extra $8,000 lying around you can bid on ebay for a chance to attend the event and hang out with the celebs. Read all of the details.
April 4, 2004 – Billy was recently spotted by In Touch Magazine out and about with Gina, her niece, and their Boxer. Be sure to watch for Billy on CBS the week of April 18-24 for “National Medical Laboratory Week. He has filmed a public service announcement on their behalf:
ASCP is proud to announce that the Society teamed up with William Petersen, co-producer and star of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, to promote the Laboratory Profession as the “real heroes” during National Medical Laboratory Week (April 18-24) 2004. Working together, we created a special 15-second Public Service Announcement that delivers Petersen’s salute to laboratory professionals across the country. The public service announcement also mentions the staffing shortage and directs those who might be interested in careers in laboratory science to check out the ASCP website for more information.
In the public service announcement, Mr. Petersen looks directly at the camera and says: “It’s National Medical Laboratory Week. I want to salute pathologists and laboratory professionals across the country. Every day, they use their skills and knowledge to save lives and solve crimes. Today, there is a shortage of such heroes.” And, as the ASCP logo is shown on the screen, he adds, “If you are interested in a career in laboratory sciences, check out ASCP.ORG.” (Read the full aricle here)
We have also added 6 new CSI season 4 publicity pictures as well as screencaps from his comments in the CSI season 3 DVD collection.
April 1, 2004 – Screencaps from “Bad to the Bone” are up. If you happen to be in Las Vegas next week you can try and sign up to be an extra on CSI. The crew will be filming in the city April 5-8. Read more at the Las Vegas Review Journal.
March 25, 2004 – Billy will be in Chicago May 24th to honor Dennis Zacek, the Artistic Director of the Victory Gardens Theater. The League of Chicago Theaters will honor Mr. Zacek during it’s annual gala to be held at the Goodman Theater on the 24th:
“Dennis Zacek, Artistic Director, Victory Gardens Theater, will be honored with the League’s 2004 Artistic Leadership Award, presented each year to an industry individual who has been an artistic force by creating great art, inspiring other artists, and propelling Chicago’s vibrant theater scene into the national spotlight. Zacek did just that in 2001, when Victory Gardens received the Tony Award for Regional Theatre, for “displaying a continuous level of artistic achievement contributing to the growth of theater nationally.” Since 1974, and under Zacek’s artistic leadership since 1977, Victory Gardens has remained true to the undeniably challenging mission – producing primarily world premiere plays, most of them authored by its own 12-member Playwrights Ensemble. Chicago theater alum William Petersen, star of CBS-TV’s hit show CSI, will return from L.A. to join this tribute to Zacek, one of Petersen’s mentors early in his career. In honor of his accomplishments in fostering new works for the American stage, Zacek joins previous Artistic Leadership Award recipients August Wilson, Frank Galati and Robert Falls.” Read more here. Thanks to Ina for the tip!
March 21, 2004 – We have added screencaps from the XX Dailies. Also added are 4 pictures to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Behind the Scenes of CSI Gallery, a picture to the GQ Men of the Year Awards Gallery, a picture from the 2001 Golden Globes and finally, a picture from the 2002 CBS Upfront Party.
Canada’s Globe and Mail has an article on Anthony Zuiker, but there are several Billy mentions, including this from AZ: “Billy’s the single reason why I’m sitting across from you today. He was really the person who said, ‘I believe in Anthony Zuiker.’ To believe in the show. . . . And it got on the air because of him.”
Also, the Chicago Sun-Times has a brief mention of Billy in an article about the film “This Old Cub.”
March 15, 2004 – Billy was on the Dan Patrick Radio Show today on ESPN. We have a Quicktime file clip of the interview. Billy plans on getting his Dallas Cowboys tatoo in June so he doesn’t have to hobble around the set. When asked by Dan about the Playboy interview mentioning his leaving CSI, he replied that he doesn’t plan on leaving CSI in the near future, but doesn’t know how long he’ll stay – he joked that all of the spin-offs are making him obsolete. He also plans on attending several Cubs games in Chicago in May and June. He feels this is their year. Thanks to Jazzfan for the headsup!
March 14, 2004 – Have a little time to kill? TV Guide online has three CSI picture jigsaw puzzles online for you to solve. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinal began running a new cartoon called “Spot the Frog” that features a frog named Buddy who likes to watch CSI:
“The strip is – for lack of a better word – “peopled” with other characters. Buddy the Frog is Spot’s best friend; he wears glasses and watches “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” but won’t live in a house.”
If you live in the Chicago area or Scottsdale Arizona, the documentary about Ron Santo, “This Old Cub,” will be shown at these select theaters opening March 26th. Thanks to Marja for the information!
Emerging Pictures and Big Joe productions are pleased to announce that the documentary film THIS OLD CUB will open in Chicago and Scottsdale theaters beginning Friday, March 26th.
> Cineplex 600 N. Michigan Theatre
> 600 N. Michigan Ave.
> (312) 255-9340
> Loews Theaters at Streets of Woodfield
> 601 N. Martingale Road
> Schaumburg
> (847) 330-0720
> Century Centre Cinema
> 2828 N. Clark Street
> (773) 509-4949
> Renaissance Place Cinema
> 18509 Second Street
> Highland Park, IL 60035
> (847) 432-9999
> Harkins Shea 14
> 7354 E. Shea Blvd.
> Scottsdale
> (602) 222-4275
March 11, 2004 – We have some preliminary screencaps from “XX” posted. (Billy wasn’t really in it much) The new CSI board game is available at Toys are US and will also be available atWalmart in Canada on March 13th.
March 11, 2004 – Billy is enjoying his golf game these days:
VALENCIA — William Petersen, star of the CBS hit TV show “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation,” put his sleuthing skills to work Wednesday at the Valencia Country Club as professional golfers and celebrities spent the day on the course.
Petersen paired up with old friend and PGA tour veteran Gary McCord, a Champions Tour member who will compete in the SBC Classic this weekend. Joined by two other amateur players, McCord and Petersen were quick with the one-liners.
“Don’t touch me. That means I’m dead or something,” McCord said after Petersen gave him a pat on the back. “I’ve played with Billy (Petersen) a bunch of times. If he comes over and just looks at you, you don’t mess around.”
Petersen joked that he used his forensic knowledge to analyze some of his divots. The results? “They were in the wrong place.”
March 10, 2004 – As we know, there is a new CSI spin-off – CSI-New York set to star Gary Sinise. Anthony Zuiker will be the showrunner and none of this is sitting well with Billy. AZ is playing nice, “He was the single reason that this show is on the air,” acknowledges Zuiker, who was on a promotional stop in Toronto Monday, his first visit to the city. “He was the one to step up and say this is what I want to do.”
Zuiker goes further: “The shoes I’m wearing, the car I drive, the house I live in … I would not be where I am today if not for Billy Petersen.” Still, he feels he has to move on to being the day-to-day showrunner on CSI: New York, which is where Petersen apparently feels betrayed.
“I can’t speak for Billy,” says Zuiker. “All I can tell you is that I’m at a growth spurt at the moment, at a point where, after four years, I really want to run my own show.”
Anyway, as a site dedicated to Billy, I hate to think he is stuck doing something he wishes to move away from. We are looking forward to his future endeavors.
Read the entire article here.
March 7, 2004 – Added the updated screencaps for “Paper or Plastic.” This little blurb was in the “Is it true?” section of the March 8 issue of In Touch Magazine:
The Ron Santo film, This Old Cub, will be available on DVD later this year for those who would like too see it. We’ll keep you posted on details.
More about Billy and TNT teaming up to bring us “Clandestine” from Zap2it:
Meanwhile, Paul Schrader (“Taxi Driver,” “Affliction”) will adapt James Ellroy’s novel “Clandestine” for the cable network. Schrader, who was replaced as director on the latest “Exorcist” sequel, is making a rare visit to television on the project, which is set to star William Petersen (“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”). Peterson will also executive producer the 1950s noir story, along with Cindy Chvatal.
Daily Variety has this to say: “We identified a number of people who make sense for TNT when I came aboard. Billy just has a weight to his work that I’ve been a fan of for a long time,” Michael Wright said. “I’d read Ellroy’s L.A. Confidential, and I think the combination of Billy and one of Ellroy’s signature urban crime dramas will do very well for us.”
For those who haven’t read Clandestine, here is a short summary:
Fred Underhill is a young cop on the rise in Los Angeles in the early 1950’s — a town blinded to its own grime by Hollywood glitter; a society nourished by newspaper lies that wants its heroes all-American and squeaky clean.A chance to lead on a possible serial killing is all it takes to fuel Underhill’s reckless ambition – and it propels him into a dangerous alliance with certain mad and unstable elements of the law enforcement hierarchy. When the case implodes with disastrous consequences, it is Fred Underhill who takes the fall. His life is in ruins, his promising future suddenly a dream of the past. And his good and pure love for a crusading woman lawyer has been corrupted and may not survive. But even without the authority of a badge, Fred Underhill knows that his only hope for redemption lies in following the investigation to its grim conclusion. And the Hell to which he has been consigned for his sins is the perfect place to hunt for a killer who hungers but has no soul.
Also, for those of you who live in Canada or can view CTV, Canada AM is doing a segment on CSI behind the scenes Monday, March 9th.
Feb 29, 2004 – As mentioned a while back, Billy has participated in a film documentary about the life of Chicago Cubs baseball legend Ron Santo. He calls Ron Santo his hero. This Old Cub opens Friday, March 26 in Chicago and Arizona (select theaters). The film premiere is Wednesday, March 24 at the Chicago Historical Society. All proceeds to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. No word on when it will be released on video, but you can view the trailer at the official site, as well as read about the film and view stills of Ron Santo’s career. We have a few screencaps for you.
Feb. 26, 2004 – Preliminary screencaps for “Getting Off” have been added.
Feb. 24, 2004 – A few more pictures added to the CSI season 4 publicity gallery.
Feb. 23, 2004 – We have added more pictures from Wireimage from the SAG awards – Billy certainly seems to be enjoying the presenters gift basket.
Feb. 22, 2004 – We have screencaps, the video clip and a couple of pictures from the 2004 Screen Actors Guild Awards. Billy was a co-presenter for Outstanding Female Actor in a Drama Series – won by Francis Conroy of Six Feet Under. CSI didn’t win for Outstanding Ensemble in a Drama Series, the nod went to Six Feet Under.
Feb. 20, 2004 – Screencaps from “Early Rollout” are now posted. As most of you know, tomorrow is Billy’s birthday. (Feb 21st, 1953) He is a Pisces. If you like to have fun with astrology, check out how you match up with him!
CSI has been named one of the coolest shows in TV history by Radio Times in the UK. Check out the blurb – they love Grissom! Thanks to Marion for clipping!
Feb, 20, 2004 – We’ll have screencaps from “Early Rollout” posted later this evening. There have been dozens of reports stemming from Billy’s comments in Playboy scattered on the internet as well as in publications such as People, Entertainment Weekly, The washington Post etc. We’re not going to post them all because they are all irresponsible journalism, not to mention the fact they are all the same article, passed from publication to publication. His comment that he would probably leave CSI when he legally doesn’t have to do it anymore has been twisted and misrepresented, leading people to believe that he wants to “bolt” the show, extort more money, or that he is completely ungrateful for what CSI has done for him and that he is behaving like a “petulant child.” Supposedly even his reps feel they have to jump in with some kind of spin control, letting us know that Billy was simply being humorous (which no doubt he was to a certain extent) and didn’t know the length of his contract. (In which case, if I were him, I would get new representation).
I say there is no spin control needed. Billy didn’t say anything he needs to retract. If these so-called reporters would have read the Playboy interview in it’s entirety instead of jumping on a sound-bite, this would be a non-story. There is absolutely nothing wrong with someone saying they will fullfill their obligation and then perhaps move on. I am a fan of his for this very reason. I admire that he speaks his mind, marches to the beat of his own drummer and is in control of his life and his career. Only Billy knows his motivations and his plans for the future, but he need not apologize or backtrack. I think I like Phil Rosenthal of The Chicago Sun-Times more and more. He seems to be one of the few people who gets the situation:
“CSI: Crime Scene Investigation” (10 p.m., Spike TV): It sure didn’t read like series star William Petersen was joking when Playboy magazine quoted him: “I’ll do ‘CSI’ until I legally don’t have to do it anymore, which I think is the end of next year. Right now, that’s as long as I can foresee doing this show.” But Petersen’s reps have told the New York Post that they write off the comment to his “biting sense of humor,” and the fact that the actor may not know how long his contract runs. CBS points out Petersen’s contract runs through the 2006-07 season. You can draw your own conclusions. I know I’ve drawn mine.
Feb. 18, 2004 – We have more pictures from the Emmys, and new screencaps from “Coming of Rage.” There are all kinds of newsbits regarding Billy’s comments in Playboy that he might leave CSI after season 5. Most of them seem to speculate that he is posturing for more money or he’s leaving because he’s peeved at CBS because of all of the spin-offs. TV Guideclaims CBS presented evidence that he is contractually bound through the 2006-2007 season, but Billy himself has said he’ll stay through 2005 and after that it’s up in the air. Only Billy knows when and why he will leave, but his decision will most likely be influenced by whether or not he still enjoys doing the show – not money or because he’s pouting. Here is a pretty good article on the subject from the Chicago Sun-Times by Phil Rosenthal, who is familiar with Billy and knows he is not a typical Hollywood star.
Feb. 13, 2004 – (2nd update) – We finally have screencaps and the video clip from the AT&T Pro-Am at Pebble Beach. A great big hug to Spankme for putting out the APB over atTelevision Without Pity and to Isobel429 for answering the call and lending us her video! Thank you very much ladies Your efforts are very much appreciated! I would also like to thank Ramona for offering a tape as well. I tried to get in touch with you, but your email kept getting sent back as undeliverable. I wasn’t ignoring you, I just couldn’t get through.
Feb. 13, 2004 – We have preliminary screencaps for “Paper or Plastic.” Don’t forget to watch or tape the Screen Actors Guild Awards on Sunday, Feb. 22nd. Billy will be a presenter.
Feb. 11, 2004 – Billy is featured in the March issue of Playboy Magazine, answering 20 questions. Read the article.
Feb. 8, 2004 – As most of you might know, CSI season three will be out on DVD March 30th in the US. It will feature all 23 episodes, as well as commentary on a few episodes as well as other features, including new cast interviews for “CSI moves into season 3. Read more at DVD Debate.
It seems as though sports columnist Phil Mushnick at the New York Post thinks CBS spent too much time self-promoting while covering the AT&T Pro-Am golf tournament at Pebble Beach. He mentioned Billy as someone who received “the most attention.” Hmmmm. He was on for perhaps a total of 2 minutes out of 14 hours of air time.
Thanks to Cecelia, we have an article from the latest edition of the National Enquirer. It’s nothing new – it goes on about Billy’s unhappiness with the spin-offs. It’s overly dramatic of course ( We’re pretty sure he’s resigned to the fact that CBS will do as many as are profitable and doesn’t waste his energy “going ballistic” anymore) Anyway, it might be worth picking up because of the nice picture.
Finally, we have added 8 new pictures to the 2003 Emmy’s gallery, courtesy of photographerAlbert L Ortega. Thanks Al! We have also added 4 news season 4 publicity pictures in CSI gallery 4.
Feb. 6, 2004 – New, clearer screencaps are up for Suckers. Billy made a brief appearance on CBS’s late night coverage of the golf tournament (AT&T Pro-Am) by doing a small send-up of Gil and CBS with the color commentators for the television broadcast – Gary McCord and David Ferherty. We have a few screencaps and the video clip.
Feb. 5, 2004 – We have a few screencaps from Billy’s first round at the AT&T PRO-AM Golf Tournament. His professional partner was Garrett Willis. Pro Rory Sabbatini and CBS CEO Les Moonves were also in the foursome. Billy’s handicap this year is 14. He was only televised a few seconds today, but they did show him hitting a pretty nice chip shot onto the green.
Ever wonder where many of the celebrities hang out while in town? Here are some of thepopular hot spots.
Feb 3. 2004 – We have added a few more CSI season 4 publicity pictures, as well as a trade ad for the People’s Choice awards.
Check out Elyse’s site for her exclusive coverage of An Evening with CSI hosted by David Berman ( he plays David, the assistant coroner on the show.) He mentions that Billy helped to make him feel at ease on the set his first day, as he was nervous. He also showed a CSI blooper reel. We have most of Billy’s blooper reel scenes in the dailies sections on the video page. They are distributed throughout different dailies clips. Perhaps if we get around to it, we can put some of the other actors’ scenes from the blooper reel up as well. Btw, did you know that David’s brother, Josh Berman is a writer and producer on the show?
Feb 1, 2003 – Just a couple of quick newsbits here on Super Sunday – The Philadelphia Enquirer did a couple of interviews with Billy. He talks about all of the CSI spinoffs in thefirst one, and more general stuff in the second one. Some tidbits:
He’s seen what happens to a bandwagon when TV jumps on board with both feet. “The reality thing is getting tired now, because it’s rubber-stamped out. They’re all the same show, just set in a different place. Now Donald Trump is running around with a bunch of guys. Whatever.”
William Petersen is as bowlegged as an old saddle tramp. “Part of that is genetic,” he says. “A lot of it is bad knees from football and baseball. I spent the better part of 50 years trying to ruin my body.”
“When I started CSI,” says Carol Mendelsohn, one of the show’s eight executive producers, “I told my girlfriends I was working with Billy. They all said, across the board, ‘Can I come to the set?’ You start with the sheer magnetism. Plus he’s so handsome.”
“I wonder how many women would want to wallow around in maggot farms at night,” Petersen says, “because that’s really all Grissom could give them. Women think, ‘Boy, could I make improvements on this guy,’ and of course Grissom is scared to death of any improvements being made.”
“I’ve got a wife, a dog, a cat, and a grandson, all of which is good,” Petersen says. “Personally, I haven’t been this comfortable in a long time.”
Also, look for Billy to play again this year at the AT&T Pro-AM Gold Tournament at Pebble Beach.
Televised Schedule:
Thursday, 2/5: 3-6 p.m. ET USA
Friday, 2/6: 3-6 p.m. ET USA
Saturday, 2/7: 3-6 p.m. ET CBS
Sunday, 2/8: 3-6:30 p.m. ET CBS
January 30, 2003 – We have added new screencaps from Grissom Versus the Volcano, as well as a new publicity picture in the season 4 gallery.
January 29, 2003 – Billy thinks the patriots will win the Superbowl:
WILLIAM PETERSEN, actor, CSI: The Patriots, because they are a far superior team. (Source:Scripts-Howard newservice)
January 28, 2004 – We have added screencaps from Extra’s Golden Globe coverage. You can see the video here.
January 27, 2004 – Billy was on the Dan Patrick show again today, talking about the bet he lost with Rob Dibble and the tatoo:
• 2:45 William Peterson, actor: Our favorite star of CSI joined us to make good on his bet with Dibbs (who will win more games in 2003, the Bears or the Cowboys). “Since I lost the bet, I’m going to get a 3/4 inch blue star on the ball of my left foot (so I may) step on the star.” On the Bears new coach, “Looking forward to Lovie Smith or Poopie Brown or whoever we’ve got coaching the Bears.”
We’ll try and have the audio clip up later – we’re having technical difficulties right now. Speaking of sports, we’ve added a picture of Billy and Gina playing basketball in the miscellaneous gallery.
January 26, 2004 – Neither Billy or CSI won a Golden Globe, but Billy seemed to be having a good time anyway as well as being a classy guy. Anthony LaPaglia won for best actor in a drama and Billy stood up imediately to shake his hand. “24” won for Best Drama. We do have one complaint about the media coverage – other than the length, tediousness and Joan Rivers – but E! mentioned CSI’s nomination for Best Drama series and then proceeded cut to a clip of David Caruso and CSI: Miami. HELLO PEOPLE WHO PRODUCE THESE SEGMENTS. They are NOT the same show.
When Clint Eastwood accepted the best actor in a motion picture drama award for Sean Penn, he mentioned that some actors are so consistantly good, they are taken for granted and therefore rarely win awards – we thought of Billy.
We have a very small video montage of Billy’s night at the Golden Globes, as well as screencaps and some pictures from Wireimage.
January 23, 2004 – Billy has done a Superbowl 38 promo ad for CBS. We have the videoclip and a few screencaps.
January 22, 2004 – We have added new screencaps for After the Show and Butterflied. We have also added 5 new pictures to the 2003 Emmys Gallery. Speaking of awards, E! onlinethinks Billy should win the Golden Globe for best actor in a television drama:
The contenders
• Michael Chiklis, The Shield
• Anthony LaPaglia, Without a Trace
• William Peterson, CSI
• Martin Sheen, The West Wing
• Kiefer Sutherland, 24
we predict
William Peterson: There’s no James Gandolfini this year–The Sopranos wasn’t eligible because no new episodes aired in 2003. And surprisingly, there’s no Peter Krause of Six Feet Under. Chiklis, last year’s winner, doesn’t stand much of a chance of winning this year, as voters aren’t so keen on The Shield, which failed to secure a nod in the drama-series category. LaPaglia does a fine job on Without a Trace, but his performance doesn’t have the showstopping quality of Sheen or Sutherland. This one’s a tight race, but it should actually go to first-time nom Peterson, which would notch up CSI’s first Golden Globe win in any category.
January 20, 2004 – Thanks to Marion we have added an article from the UK about season 4, as well as another article from TV and Satellite week. We have also added a picture from the “Rat Pack” premiere in the Miscellaneous gallery. Several people have written to tell us about the third CSI spin-off set to take place in New York. We’ve known about it for awhile, but if it doesn’t involve Billy we don’t post news about it. Thanks for all of the tips though.
January 16, 2004 – Screencaps from Butterflied are up.
January 15, 2004 – The cast of CSI has been nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award (SAG) for television drama series. Congratulations!
Screen Actors Guild will honor its own at its 10th Annual Awards ceremonies on Sunday, February 22, at the Los Angeles Shrine Exposition Center, televised nationally on Turner Network Television (TNT) at 8 p.m. ET/PT, 7 p.m. CT, and 6 p.m. MT.
January 12, 2004 – Congratulations to the folks at CSI for winning the People’s Choice Award for favorite drama! Marg and the rest of the cast, as well as many of the producers accepted the award. Billy sat this one out.
We have added 3 new pictures to CSI Gallery 2 – page 1
January 9, 2004 – Screencaps from “Eleven Angry Jurors.”
January 6, 2004 – Billy made a brief appearance on ESPN’s top 100 sports stories of the year. He commented on Barry Bonds and the Chicago White Sox fan who tackled an umpire during a game in Chicago. We have some screencaps and a videoclip. Hugs to Nicki for the heads up! Also CSI is nominated for drama series of the year by the Producers Guild of America. Billy is of course, one of the producers. Marg Helgenberger announced the nominations yesterday and of course was delighted CSI was included!
January 4, 2004 – We have started a new updates page for 2004. You can find news from 2003 by clicking on the news archives above. Holiday hiatus is over and CSI starts shooting again tomorrow. There seems to be a scheduling question for the episode “Butterflied” which would normally have been shown on Thursday, Jan. 15th. However, TV Guide says it will be shown on WEDNESDAY, the 14th of January. TV Now originally listed it as being shown on the 15th, but doesn’t list it as being shown at all now. So…it appears it will either be shown on Thursday the 15th, Wednesday the 14th, or not at all that week. Stay tuned… We have added a picture to the Gallery. (page 3)