The William Petersen Appreciation Page -

Archives – 2008

August 9th 2008

Quick Update. We’re working on changing the news page into a blog style page which will allow us to provide news and site updates a lot quicker for our visitors in that we do not have to physically create html pages and upload them via ftp. We hope to have this done shortly, so for those of you who come straight to this page bypassing the home page, this link will be changing in the not so distance future. This will also provide the added bonus of RSS feeds for those of you that use it.

For those of you in the UK you can now pre-order CSI Season 8 Part 1 from The box set is due to be released September 22nd. You can also pre-order the entire season from due to be released October 14th.

Uploaded to The Gallery is an article from the UK TV & Satellite Week mentioning Billy’s departure from CSI.

Charity Fundraiser news. We are now at a whooping $772 as of today. Thank you again to everyone who has participated so far, we didn’t expect to raise so much before the raffles started, well done and thank you for your generosity. We should receive everything we need for the Movie MemoraBILLYa raffle by the end of next week or so and we will then be able to post photos.

August 5th 2008

A quick Charity Fundraiser update. As of today, as you can see from our little progress chart we have raised $537 since our last update. Thank you so much to everyone who has participated so far. You all rule 🙂

We did plan to host 2 raffles, but we are now hosting 3. We are raffling the theater tickets to Billy’s play at Victory Garden’s next year separately. We thought those of you who have already arranged tickets for the show, or those of you who cannot make it should have the opportunity to enter the raffle for the Theater MemoraBILLYa as well (which we now have photos of in The Gallery). The Fundraiser Page has also been updated with the list of prizes for the Theater MemoraBILLYa Raffle. Movie MemoraBILLYa Raffle prizes to be announced shortly.

We also added a small article from the recent TV Guide to The Gallery which talks about the changes on CSI. We do have several goodies to update with but unfortunately puppypower is without her main computer at the moment for at least another week, but as soon as she has it back expect some multimedia clips and a few other bits and pieces.

July 27th 2008

Our Hollywood Star Congratulations Gift – Charity Fundraiser has begun!

Click the banner above (made the lovely Idreamedmusic) to view full details about the charity(s), raffles, prizes, etc.

At the current time we are only accepting donations from those who want to have their name go on the Donation List given to Billy. Raffle Tickets will go on sale September 1st (remember we have that great prize c/o Victory Gardens for two tickets to Billy’s play July 3rd 2008). We hope to have a full list of prizes available on the site by mid August.

Some Gallery news. Our host has told us we have too many files on our current server. (This is not a bandwidth issue). In order to keep them happy and hopefully makes things easier for our visitors to download lots of photos at once, we are removing the CSI Screencaps from The Gallery.

Don’t panic, they won’t be gone completely. We will then compress each episode into a zip file which you can then download. i.e. 1 file replaces 100 photos and 100 thumbnails.

We will provide a “how to guide” for those of you who are not use to using compression programmes, but once you get the hang of it, you’ll see this is an easy and fast way to download 100+ caps without physically viewing them all beforehand. Will take a couple of weeks or so to do this so bear with us during this time.

July 20th 2008

There are about 60+ news links out there on the web addressing the recent Billy news about his status on CSI. We have just picked a few from those below as most are saying very much the same thing.

New York Times Article – Performers Head Toward TV’s Revolving Door

Access Hollywood – William Petersen’s Life of Crime to End

Chicago Sun Times – Petersen Pulls CSI Plug

Various Articles from TV Guide including coverage of the CBS Press Tour

To read more articles via google news click here

ESPN had a little segment about the “Take me out to the ball game” singing competition Billy was a judge at last week. You can download and view this in our General TV AppearancesSection. You can also now download the clip that was mentioned in our last updatehere. Screencaps can be found in the The Gallery along with a med-res photo from the event and finally the Entertainment Weekly article talking about Billy’s departure from CSI (contains spoilers).

You can now pre-order CSI Season 8 from Amazon due out October 14th. Also available through our US WPAP Store.

July 16th 2008

Some rather big news to report today, we would’ve done it yesterday, but we have been working our way through the hundreds of emails sent in the past 24 hours and just ran out of time and this is the first opportunity we’ve had to update.

Entertainment Weekly reported yesterday that Billy is indeed leaving CSI. His last episode scheduled as a full time regular on the show will be episode 10 of the new season. However, he will come back on occasion as a special guest star, and he will be remaining as an Executive Producer. You can read more information here and what the CSI Post Petersen plan is here. Articles do contain spoilers.

There is a mixed view amongst fans from the emails we’ve been receiving, some are angry at his decision, but the majority of fans are supporting his decision to leave,, which is a great thing to see. Billy has a tremendous amount of loyalty to the show, fellow castmates, the crew, the fans and we think we can all agree he has considered that in his decision. He will be back as a special guest star at times, he’s able to pursue other projects and also find the time to spend with his loved ones. He’s doing the best he can to please everyone and we wish him all the best for the future and look forward to hearing about new projects he’s involved with.

For the timebeing the CBS address to write fan mail to will still be valid, but if you haven’t already done so and would like to write to Billy we will remind our visitors that we do have aFan Letter Project running until October if anyone wishes to take part.

A few people have shared their concern and have asked if we stopping the site due to his decision. We are not stopping the site, we are and will continue to be a William Petersen Fan Site. You can’t get rid of us that easily 😉

We are planning another update at the weekend that will include some multimedia to download, but for now, we mentioned in our last update that Billy was one of the judges at the “take me out to the ball game” singing competition held on Monday. has a great video up of the contest that includes a brief interview with Billy that you can watch here.

Screencaps from the video are in The Gallery along with a hi-res photo of Billy throwing out the first pitch from the Cubs game he attended last week.

July 13th 2008

A small photo of Billy throwing out the first pitch at the Cubs game last week can be found here on the CBS News website, we are working on getting a hi-res pic for The Gallery.

The Victory Gardens Theatre have a brochure out at the moment. One of our kind LJ members has kindly scanned this for us and you can now find this in The Gallery, big thanks to partly_bouncy 🙂

We have some further information about our Congratulations Gift Charity Fundraising Project. All funds raised will be donated between the American Cancer Society and theVictory Gardens Theatre. You can read more about the reasons behind our charity choices on this page (or by clicking the sticky link at the top of our news page) as well as read information about some of the prizes we have on offer, including 2 tickets to the first preview showing of Billy’s play at Victory Gardens on July 3rd 2009 (special thanks to Victory Gardens for hooking us up with these tickets, you are awesome).

July 10th 2008

Quick update…

If you are unable to play any of our multimedia clips, got sound, but no picture due to the various codecs we use, we strongly recommend you download the VLC Media Player, which has a lot of the popular codecs already built in.   All of our clips will play through this.

July 9th 2008

Billy has been in the news quite a bit the past week. He was unfortunate in getting held up at LAX early last week during the bomb threat scare last Tuesday. You can read the LA Times article here. Thankfully no one was hurt. You can also watch a brief clip of Billy being interviewed at the airport on We added screencaps from the interview to The Gallery, along with screencaps from Billy’s SAG Support video, which you can view online here, or download via our multimedia section here. We also uploaded an older article from Mens Journal April 2003, which has a great interview with Billy talking about his love for Chicago Sports.

Which brings us to…

Billy sang at the Cubs last night. HUGE thanks to one of our LJ Members, ninizik who kindly provided us with two clips we can share with everyone, you can download them here. Enjoy.

Billy will also be one of the judges to decide who will lead crowd during 7th Inning Stretch of the 2008 All-Star Game in Yankee Stadium. More info can be found here, and once again, thank you to one of our LJ Members, ufgator1977 for providing the link.

June 29th 2008

As mentioned in our previous update, Billy is going to be a recipient of a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. As a congratulations gift to show him how proud we, and his fans are of this wonderful achievement, we are currently in the process of setting up an online raffle/donation event where at the end all donations will be sent to a Charity and Non Profit organisation in the name of “William Petersen”. We have created a sticky link at the top of this news page, but for more information of what we are doing, how you can win some wonderful Billy Memorabilia and be a part of this gift project follow this link. This page will be updated regularly with information on when we are going to be hosting this Fundraising Event, etc, so check back soon.

Some Multimedia Updates : Internet Clips, General Appearances and Sound Clips Updates

Channel 5 (UK) TV Commercial

WOWOW Interview – Summer 2006

Interview with Billy from (December 2006) re. Dublin Carol.

For those of you who were lucky enough to be in the first 25 letters for our Fan Letter Project for the past two weeks, we are a bit behind on sending out the link for you to download your goodie bag as we need to reupload the items, we hope to have this done in the next day or two and will be sending out the email shortly.

June 19th 2008

Earlier today we received a very exciting email with the following news…Billy will be receiving a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. The news was announced this week by The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce. Official Press Details are available from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce below.



As and when details become available of when this will be happening we’ll be sure and spread the news. We will stay on top of this, we’re very excited about it ;). Also, as its only natural Billy’s fans are going to want to acknowledge this wonderful news, we will be doing another Fan Project for our visitors here to get involved in and congratulate Billy, so stay tuned for news regarding that. However, for the timebeing feel free to include any congratulations messages in your letters for our Fan Letter Project (which is still going very strong) that will be delivered to Billy later this year.

Billy and Gina celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary on June 14th. Congratulations to them.

Some Dublin Carol ticket information for anyone wishing to book group tickets is now available at the top of this page.

Billy was briefly mentioned in an interview with several of the folks from the Steppenwolf Theater about their production of “August : Osage County”. Jeff Perry had this to say:

Jeff Perry: William Petersen, who is one of our old Chicago buddies, came to the show a month ago. He said, “This has to feel like being in the first production of Streetcar or Death of a Salesman or Virginia Woolf. This will last. I will never forget this.”There have been so many versions of that comment. And we knew in rehearsal months ago that this could really be special, that this could pack a wallop. And it has. That changes your life. And if you get a dog food commercial or a movie two years from now, that will be wonderful.

Gallery updates: Magazine Scans and Hi-res photos added to the following albums:

  • Scans from the Official CSI Magazine #4
  • Peoples Choice Awards 2006
  • CSI Press Conference February 2008 (thanks Erica)
  • Museum of TV & Radio honors Les Moonves and Jerry Bruckheimer October 2006

More updates hopefully this weekend including Multimedia goodies.

June 7th 2008

There appears to be a small delay shipping the full version of The Beast that was released June 3rd. For anyone who has pre-ordered the DVD with Amazon direct or via our store with Amazon, please check your Amazon account as you may need to approve your order due to this delay.

Many of the CSI cast have been submitted for Emmy nominations for various episodes this season. Billy’s submission is for Dead Doll. You can see the full list of Emmy Nominationshere. Good Luck to all the CSI folks in making the final shortlist for that Emmy.

Gallery update:

19 hi-res photos added to the BOW WOW Animal Rescue Event – July 2007

Multimedia Clip Update:

DVD Interviews – Inside Manhunter (only the clips with Billy)

General TV Appearances – Cubs 2007 – Billy’s Interview now available for download-2 parts.

Internet Clips – interview 2007 and Billy’s Global Warning Ad 2007

Last April we reported that students from the Capilano College Film Center in Vancouver spent some on the CSI set filming a documentary. This documentary is now available on the CBS website. There are 4 parts in total and it’s definitely worth a watch. We’ll have clips available for download shortly, but in the meantime you can enjoy Television : The CSI Way here.

More clips and photos to be uploaded soon.

May 22nd 2008

You can now pre-order the full extended version of The Beast from Amazon by clicking on picture to the left.

You can also pre-order it via our new US Store (details below).

The release date has been bumped up to June 3rd, although you never know if this will change or not.

This is a Region 1 DVD (NTSC), so if pre-ordering from the UK or elsewhere you will need a multi-region DVD player.

As we mentioned in our last update, we have been working on a WPAP Store for both our US and UK visitors. We may look into other countries in the future. We have done away with our Donate button as it had been broken for some while and many of you had contacted us about it. We have created these stores as an alternative, as well as a way to help fellow fans complete their Billy movie collections etc. You will find out various information about Billy related products here. Certain films are only available in certain countries, some films have several titles, some short movies are available on compilation DVDs etc. The very kindIdreamedmusic has worked on a great Manhunter page explaining the difference between all the versions available, along with The WPAP’s recommendations of which one to buy. We receive a very small referral fee for referring you to Amazon, which will help with the running and maintenance with the site, as well as being able to provide you with more Billy goodness.

So be sure and check out the stores here. We will be adding to these as and when products become available.

May 18th 2008

Gallery updates:

  • Screencaps from For Gedda
  • 2 x Season 8 hi-res promos.

We had to do it, we have a whole page dedicated to Billy’s boxer dog, Bruno, this will be updated soon with something in particular we wanted to do, but for now you can view theBruno Petersen Appreciation Page here. (Main link in the Fan Area/Extras section on the left).

Some good news in respect of The Beast. A full length version is due to be released June 24th 2008 according to (Thanks for the link Maren).

A pic of Billy briefly appeared in a video made by MoroccoBoard Television.  The video talks about the Moroccan community in Southern California.  Some  members from the Moroccan Board visited the CSI set on their visit to LA.     You can watch the full 12+ minute video below, but for ease, I took a screengrab of the Billy pic shown.   CSI and Billy aren’t really mentioned much, but you may be interested about the video anywho.

Watch the Video here.

We’ve had a lot of emails asking us if Billy is singing at a Cubs home game this season. We are not aware of anything at the moment, but we do recommend our visitors check out Len & Bob’s Baseball Blog. They are very reliable at giving out information regarding all the 7th Inning Stretch Singers.

Our Letter Project is still going strong, so if you are new to the site and are interested in being involved, check out the sticky link at the top of the news page.

With the current CSI season now over we will obviously have no weekly episode caps to upload each week over the summer hiatus, but we do have lots of things planned to keep everyone entertained over the break. Things planned for the coming weeks:

  • Look for our US and UK WPAP Store to be online soon. This is our attempt to help fellow fans complete their Billy Movie Collections, etc. Details of DVDs, various CSI products will be available. More will be explained when the stores go live.
  • We have lots of photos to upload to The Gallery. We’ll be updating several older albums with hi-res pix.
  • We also plan to have several media clips up shortly, including Billy’s full interview at the Cubs last year which will finally be available for everyone download, so be sure and check back for that.

If you want to read news before it all gets uploaded to the main site, we recommend you join our LJ. That about wraps up this update 🙂

May 11th 2008

2nd update – because I’m unorganised today.

Billy was briefly on the Early Show on Friday, clip available here to download. Screencaps also in The Gallery.

Settings seem ok, thanks to sidlechick for pointing out the setting 😉 To view hi-res pics, (where available) click the photo itself to view the larger version

We’re still working on The Gallery settings, our old host has a lot to answer for!!!

Gallery updates:

  • Two and a Half Deaths screencaps
  • Cubs 2007 – replaced pix with hi-res

Multimedia Internet Clips

  • Uploaded an interview from CBS re. the crossover ep with Without a Trace.

We didn’t have as much time as we would’ve liked for updates this week, but bear with us, we have other stuff uploaded soon.

May 5th 2008

We have now switched hosts and everything seems to be running smoothly, we thank you for your patience during this time.

Gallery updates:

Screencaps from The Theory of Everything.

Screencaps from The Early Show – Friday 2nd May

Screencaps from CBS’s Behind the Scene’s Interview for Two and a Half Deaths

Season 8 Promos (now hi-res) – unaired Album

Museum of Science & Industry (hi-res) – CSI Exhibition May 2007

We’ll be adding quite alot of older promos to The Gallery over the next few days as well as updating several other older albums with some great pix, these will be a mixture of hi and med-res photos.

New Multimedia Section : Internet Clips

CBS – The Early Show – May 2nd 2008

CBS – Behind the Scenes of Two and a Half Deaths – Thanks for pointing that out E. 🙂

CBS – The deleted scene from Grissom’s Divine Comedy.

We’ll also be updating the Multimedia section over the coming weeks as well.

May 2nd 2008

Quick update, we are currently swapping hosts, so the site may be tempermental over the next couple of days whilst settings change. Please bear with us during this time.

April 27th 2008

Drops Out screencaps have been added to The Gallery.

The Field Museum in Chicago opens a new exhibition called The DNA Discovery Center. Billy has narrated a video for the exhibition about the basics of genetics. Further information about the exhibit can be found here.

I’m sure most of you noticed we had a few host issues this past week, the site wouldn’t load, the gallery wasn’t working as it should, but we think everything is back to normal, but in the coming weeks we will be switching our host, this will give us a lot more space and a lot more bandwidth which will enable us to provide more photos (hi-res) and a lot more media clips for you all to download. We have lots of photos and clips ready to upload once we have moved, so bear with us during this time.

April 13th 2008

Gallery Updates : A Thousand Days on Earth screencaps and several photos released by CBS of Grissom’s home from Grissom’s Divine Comedy.

Thanks to everyone who has sent in their fan letters for our project. Those of you who were lucky enough to be in the first 25 letters received this week will have received an email with a link to a “Billy Goody Bag” to download. Whilst the deadline is not until the end of October, the sooner you write your letters, the higher in the folder they go 🙂

April 6th 2008

Gallery updates:

  • Screencaps from Grissom’s Divine Comedy.
  • CSI Promos from Seasons 7 & 8 (some in the unaired episode album) (more promos to be added in the next few days)

A great interview from the Genesis Awards can be found in our Multimedia Section. You find out how Billy & Gina got their dog, Bruno.

Our livejournal is updated on a regular basis as and when we receive any news, and below you can find all the news we have reported there this week.

Billy has renewed his contract to stay with CSI for the 9th season. Many entertainment sites have spread the news including Variety, Reuters, Hollywood Reporter, TV Guide and many more.

The kind folks at Victory Gardens have given us some information on how you can purchase tickets now. Single tickets for the 2008-2009 season will not go on sale until August, but you can currently purchase a flex pass to use for tickets for Billys play.  A flex pass allows you to buy three, four or five tickets to use as you wish for any of the Victory Gardens shows.    You could also purchase a 5-play season subscription for Victory Gardens shows, which includes the Billy’s play. Thanks to Rachael at the Victory Gardens for the info.

Victory Gardens also have an online video brochure including some photos and info.

CBS have been busy on youtube the past week or so, here are links to view a “deleted scene “and a promo from Grissom’s Divine Comedy as well as a Photo Montage (that includes photos of Billy) of returning CBS Dramas.

Many of you have voted Billy as Sexiest CSI at TV Guides online poll. Winners will be announced April 28th. He was winning last we heard 😉

Lastly, we have been working on a project that we hope all our visitors will be a part of. We are providing a “one-off” opportunity for our site visitors to write to Billy. For full details of the project, why we are doing it, how we are doing it, how you can be involved and get the opportunity to download rare Billy “treats” – please visit The WPAP Fan Letter Project 2008 page. We have put a sticky link at the top of this page for ease.

March 31st 2008

CSI won an Award for Lying Down with Dogs at the 22nd Genesis Awards last Saturday. Photos can be found in The Gallery as well as a photo from The Children’s Alliance Dinner Billy attended earlier in the month.

We’ll be having a big update this weekend, so check back Sunday 🙂

March 24th 2008

Couple of things added to The Gallery today. Some Season 8 promos you can find in the unaired S8 Gallery, along with a couple of articles from this weeks TV Guide (spoilers).

We have received many emails regarding the play and asking if we are arranging group tickets this year, we are overwhelmed by the amount of fellow fans that want to go with us, but at this time we do not plan on making the trip to Chicago for the play, therefore will not be arranging group tickets. Apologies.

We are however, working on a little project for fellow fans which will have full details on very soon.

March 16th 2008

Lots of older promos added to The Gallery, along with a few from an upcoming Season 8 episode, as before these will be available in the folder on the main page of The Gallery, same username and password apply, so as not to spoil who wish not to be spoiled.

March 7th 2008

Official confirmation of Billy’s play this Christmas has been released. For further information please follow this link to the Official Steppenwolf Website

March 4th 2008

Gallery updates:

  • 22 photos from the Photocall/Press Conference for CSI – 26 Feb
  • 1 photo of Billy attending the LA Kings/Blackhawks Ice Hockey game 23 Feb

From Variety:

CBS Entertainment prexy Nina Tassler will receive the National Champion for Children award from the Alliance for Children’s Rights.

Tassler is being honored for promoting the non-profit org’s mission of aiding poor and abused children in the Los Angeles area.

Tassler will be feted at the Alliance’s annual fundraising gala on March 10 at the Beverly Hilton. CBS Corp. CEO Leslie Moonves and CBS Paramount Television Entertainment Group prexy Nancy Tellem co-chairs of the event. Speakers set for the gala include Angie Harmon, Drew Carey, William Petersen and Eric Close.

There is a further article regarding the event here

CSI:Live is coming to Magic Mountain in LA June 14th. You can find out further information about the event with the LA Times and TVSquad.

The following pic of Billy and Jorja Fox is c/o (Jorja’s official site) Thanks to all who sent it to us.

February 21st 2008

The WPAP would like to wish Billy a very happy birthday, Billy turned 55 today. He’ll be participating in the 10th Annual Worldwide Toast to Harry as it will be the 10th anniversary of late Hall of Fame baseball announcer Harry Caray’s passing.

The Writers Strike is officially over. Entertainment Weekly give the following information in respect of upcoming new episodes for CSI.


The following albums have been updated at The Gallery this week.

  • WGA Strike 2007 (from November 07)
    CSI promos Seasons 1-4
  • CSI Promos Season 8

More to be added soon.

Just a quick thank you to all those who have contacted us regarding our note at the top of the page, we appreciate it, any information is helpful.

May we also remind other sites, if you use information or photos from this site, as a courtesy please credit us, thank you.

February 9th 2008

A major update to The Gallery over the past 2 weeks. The following albums have been added and updated:

  • The Girls Next Door Screencaps : February 9th 2008 (from the Much Love event, back in July. Unfortunately you do not hear what Billy is saying, so there will be no clip.)
  • Stay Forever – Life and Music of Dusty Springfield : February 7th 2008 (Jorja Fox’s latest project)
  • Michael Douglas & Friends 2004
  • Michael Douglas & Friends 2005
  • SAGS 2005
  • Hancock Park Benefit 2005
  • 2 x UK TV Guide Articles – Radio Times and TV Times

Click on Last Updates to view all the new photos and articles. You can now also click back to the main site from The Gallery by clicking on the Latest News & Updates link on The Gallery’s main page. We will be updating more albums shortly.

January 28th 2008

Billy presented with Vanessa Williams last night at the 14th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards. They presented the Award to the cast of The Sopranos, who won Outstanding Ensemble in a Dramatic Series. Photos and screencaps from the event can be found in The Gallery, and a short clip can be found here.

We also added some photos of Billy and Paul Guilfoyle attending Ronnie Wood’s book signing back in November in Las Vegas. Thanks R 😉

We are receiving lots of emails asking about Billy and his next play. As soon as official confirmation is out we will post all the relevant details. We do not want to get people’s hopes up just in case for whatever reason it does not go ahead, therefore we will not be posting any details until the theatre has officially announced the play. Hopefully soon. We really are flattered so many of you want to go with us, however we really can’t plan anything right now 🙂

A little shout out to our affiliates for always thinking of us, thank you, you all RULE 😉

January 21st 2008

Screencaps from Bull were added to The Gallery last week. We have also added a small article from the latest official CSI Magazine re. Billy and Marg joining the picket line with the writers.

As the Writers Strike continues there are currently no new episodes of CSI that will be airing until the Strike is over. We will however be continuing to update the site as regularly as we can. We have several things to add to The Gallery and will be doing so over the coming weeks.

Our livejournal will be very active with various icon challenges and several other things. We currently have an artwork challenge going on right now in respect of the strike to show our support for the CSI writers. If anyone wants to share their art work or simply vote for their favourite, then please join the livejournal.

January 4th 2008 – HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Our first of 2008 and its a biggy 🙂 however most of this has been reported in our LJ already over the past couple of weeks.

All of our 2007 site updates have been moved to the archives.

Season 8 starts in the UK on January 8th, Channel 5 at 9pm and the last new episode filmed before the WGA Strike started will air on January 10th in the US.

A few new promos from Bull have been released and uploaded, remember to log in at The Gallery to see these.

We finally have the second PSA Billy did for CASA a few months back which you can download here (3rd one down)

On December 23rd Billy dropped the first ceremonial puck at the Chicago Blackhawks v Edmonton Oilers NHL game in Chicago. Unfortunately we were not able to watch the game so do not know if this was televised. If anyone has a clip we can share with everyone, we would love to hear from you.

The rest of the photos were added to the Paparazzi Section of The Gallery last week. Yes there is a little beard action going on in these too 🙂 Many thanks to Chadini for contacting the Blackhawks website 🙂

More hockey news – on January 1st Billy was at the Blackhawks/Kings NHL game in LA at the Staples Center.

The Sun-Times also has a short article where Billy recalls his first NHL game.

The ”CSI” television star and Chicago native is a longtime Blackhawks enthusiast.

”I went to my first hockey game when I was 10 — 1963,” Petersen said. ”Against the Red Wings. My brother picked me up. It was a Sunday night game. He got a ticket from his office or something — two tickets — his wife didn’t want to go, came by the house, picked me up, said, ‘We’re going to Chicago Stadium.’ It was unbelievable. It was Gordie Howe,Bobby Hull, Stan Mikita. It was Glenn Hall. The game was 4-4, and the Hawks won with 10 seconds left in regulation. Either Pat Stapleton or Pierre Pilote. That’s the only thing I can’t remember. From the point, a defenseman hit a slap shot with 10 seconds to go, and they won 5-4. You never forget your first game.”

Finally, we have just realised we never uploaded the newer screencaps from The Kennedys of Massachusetts mini-series Billy appeared in back in 1990. They’ve been sat on the server some time so here they are. Please note these came from vhs.


Hey there, welcome to The William Petersen Appreciation Page.

Have news you think we have missed?

Get in touch

As a courtesy, if you repost original information from this website, please give a shout out with a link back to this site.

THANK YOU, we really appreciate it.


To confirm Billy does not have any social media accounts, so if you encounter anyone pretending to be him please see this post

Fake Social Media Accounts Post

Connect with Us


CSI : Vegas

Autograph Requests

Send a stamped self addressed envelope enclosing a photo you would like Billy to sign to the following address:

  • William Petersen
  • c/o Creative Artists Agency
  • 2000 Avenue of the Stars
  • Los Angeles
  • CA 90067, USA.

To confirm, does not supply autographs.

Site Archives

Looking for something in particular? Browse our Archives or search the site using the form below.
